× prvii post × [.Paramore. Summer. Love.]

EjLa Ljudii... Evo pisem prvi post..wink
Zovem se Livia.zujo i iz Rijeke samm......ako zeLite nešto znati o meni, pogLedajte u boxevima.
Ja sam veLikiiiii fan benda Paramore..pjeva
Obozaaavaaaaaaaaaam ih..yes
Evo neke slike:

paramore Pictures, Images and Photos

paramore :) Pictures, Images and Photos


I Love Them

A sad maLo o Ljetu...ovo Ljeto Ljetujem u PuLii...supp je ovdjee....topLo, suncano, odLicnooo.....a moree..mmm....
topLo i ugodno..bas po mom ukusu..cerek
Iako vecinu vremena provodim na fejsu, nekad se nade vremena za van...pa se maLo sece i kupujee..zubo
Ovaj tjedan idem u veneciju...prvi put...oko 3 dana...bit ce odLicnooo...jedva cekam. fino

A Ljubav..?.ahh.....ma cudno stvarno....duga prica...aLi cu ju skratit.... ::
Moja najfrendica se zaLjubiLa u tipa kome se ja sviđam...misLim saznaLa sam tek kasnije da mu se sviđam..
aLi nie se jakoo zaLjubiLa...nego joj se sviđa..onako..uhh...a i meni se on sviđa.zujo
i sad se dopisujem sa njim preko fejsa zato sta sam u PuLi...a on u Rijeci...i staLno mi govori da mu faLim, da je dosadno bez mene....smijeh
...jooj....zajebana situacija...-.-'' a sta ces....to tie zivot..zubo hhh. aLi sad neznam sta da radimm....

heart watermelon Pictures, Images and Photos

Ahh...do sLjedeceg posta....Adio wave

By: Liwiaa

Design: Sk8Designs
Help: Balloons
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Opis bloga

× a eto.. ovo je vec moj 100 bLog..xD

Summer Pictures, Images and Photos

★ ohh... i Love summer.♥

love? Pictures, Images and Photos

★ Once i was CoLoRFuL...

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★ i Love that CoLoRFuL things... They are soo PoweRFuL

o3.o8.2o1o [21:o9 h]


Adam's LiL Monster
Nessie B. Jones
xX..This Destiny. It Goes On Endlessly..Xx

Ako žeLite u moje Linkove, recite.

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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All the crazy shit I did tonight
Those will be the best memories.♥

O meni:

× zovem se Livia
× sad cu u prvi srednje. gimnazija. zubo
× zivim u jednom Lijepom gradicu - Rijecii

colorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heart

× aa...ovo bih trebaLa biti JA ×


colorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heartcolorful heart

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svoje frendice
Ljubicastu boju
Ljetoo cerek
HayLey WiLLiams

× dvoLicnost
× umisLjenost
× kisu
× hLadnocu no
× Justina Biebera i RBD
× ...zubo

colorful star Pictures, Images and Photos

*Oh star fall down on me
Let me make a wish upon you
Hold on, let me think
Think of what I'm wishing for*

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*This heart, it beats, beats for onLy you
My heart is yours*

WHOA!!! Pictures, Images and Photos

*And we've got everybody singing
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
We've got everybody singing
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa*

Paramore Lyrics:

× Keep your feet on the ground
When your head's in the clouds.
(Brick By Boring Brick)

You don't deserve a point of view
If the onLy thing you see is you.
(Playing God)

× That's what you get when you Let
your heart win.
(That's What You Get)

× Things are Looking up, oh finaLLy!
I thought I'd never see the day when you smiLe at me.
(Looking Up)

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

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NIRVANA Pictures, Images and Photos

nirvana Pictures, Images and Photo<br />

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